Site Design Pitfalls

Forrester Research has compiled three common mistakes many companies make when they look to design or redesign their Web site. These include:

Site Design Pitfalls

1. Poorly defined objectives. Forrester says the best site designs begin with real, concrete, measurable objectives. Fuzzy aims, such as building the brand, do little to ensure optimal site design results.

2. Lack of ownership. In many companies, there is no one person or Site Design Pitfalls entity responsible for the site. Many departments take on pieces, resulting in a lack of cohesion and disjointed user experiences.

3. Self-referential Site Design Pitfalls. This is usually a product of unclear end-user requirements. Forrester says many site designers have trouble distinguishing their goals from those of their users. (They actually quoted one user who said the goal of site visitors was to understand the breadth of the company’s product line.) The best sites focus on the actual end user’s aims, whether it’s doing banking, buying a product or researching a service.